Jumat, 11 November 2016

Understanding And Medicine of Urid Acid

Understanding And Medicine of Urid Acid
Kidney stones are formed of mineral and acid salts. Kidney stones can be caused by many things. In a typical scenario, kidney stones form when the urine concentrate, minerals crystallize and agglomerate. Kidney stone pain usually begins on the body side or back, below the hip, and moves to the lower abdomen and groin. The pain changes with the movement of kidney stones in the urinary tract.

Kidney stones do not usually cause permanent damage. Pain treatment and drinking plenty of water is part of the treatment is often needed. However, treatment can help prevent the formation of kidney stones in those with increased risk.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones
Kidney stones may or may not cause signs and symptoms until the stone is moving in the ureter -pipa that connect the kidneys and bladder. At one point, the signs and symptoms that can occur are:
Severe pain in your side or back, below the hip
Pain that spreads to the lower body and groin
Pain during urination
Urine pink, red or brown
Nausea and vomiting
Frequent urination
Fever and chills when infection occurs

Causes & Risk Factors
1. Causes
Kidney stones are often not defined by a single cause. Several factors are often combined, create a condition where a person susceptible to kidney stones.
Kidney stones form when the urine discharge may components and various minerals and acids lost balance. When this happens, your urine contained more crystallized substances, such as calcium, oxalate and uric acid, rather than liquid. At the same time, there is a substance in your urine that crystallize and agglomerate to form kidney stones. This makes the condition where the kidney stones more likely to form.
2. Risk factors
Risk factors that may increase kidney stones occur include:
Having someone in the family with cases of kidney stones
Those aged 40 and above, although kidney stones can occur at any age
Men are more prone to kidney stones

Natural Uric Acid Treatment The Best
Gout now it has become a disease that is often experienced by people aged 30 years and older. But do not be mistaken this disease is a mild disease, you know, because if more inflamed really can not imagine the pain that will be felt by the sufferer. Well, at this conference the Information Center will try to explain four things about gout medication, causes, symptoms and abstinence gout patients are expected to provide many benefits to patients and those who want to prevent it.

Symptoms of Uric Acid
– Joint pain, aching, shooting pain, tingling and even swollen and reddish (inflamed)
– Usually in joints ached in the morning (just woken up) or night.
– Feels pain in the joints occur repeatedly.
– Which usually attacked toe joints, fingers, knees, heels, wrists and elbows.
– In the event of severe cases, joints ached when to move.
To find out more definitely, the patient should immediately conduct investigation in the laboratory. For normal uric acid levels in men ranges from 3.5 to 7 mg / dl and in women from 2.6 to 6 mg / dl.
Cause Gout
– The consumption of substances that contain purine excessively.
– Purine substances in large quantities in the body, then through metabolism turns into uric acid.
– An increase in uric acid levels in the body, so that the kidneys are not able to get rid of excess uric acid.
– The amount of excess uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints.
– As a result of our joint pain, swollen, inflamed, hot and stuffy.
In the event of severe cases, gout sufferer until can not run because the joints ached all if moved. The bones around the joint can also experience calcification and bone loss.

Abstinence Uric Acid
– Offal: kidney, spleen, tripe, intestines, liver, lungs and brain.
– Seafood: shrimp, squid, cuttlefish, clams, mussels, oysters, crabs, anchovies, sardines.
– Extract and shredded meats like jerky.
– Food that has been canned (example: corned beef, sardines).
– Mutton, beef, horse meat.
– Ducks, geese and turkeys.
– Legumes: soybeans (including soybean, tauco, oncom, soy milk), peanuts, green beans, bean sprouts, betel nut, chips.
– Vegetables: cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, beans, mushroom, cassava leaves, papaya, kale.
– Cheese, eggs, cream, ice cream, broth or gravy is thick.
– Certain fruits such as durian, pineapple and coconut water.
– Foods that are fried or cooked using bersantan or margarine / butter.
– Foods rich in protein and fat.


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Pertanyaan Yang Sering Diajukan

Apa benar – benar ampuh ??? Obat Herbal De Nature tergolong obat yang sangat ampuh apabila dibandingkan dengan obat – obat lainnya. Selama diminum secara rutin sesuai dosis maka penyakit herpes Anda akan segera sembuh biasanya 3-5 hari. Apa ada efek samping ??? Obat Herbal De Nature dijamin sangat aman bahkan apabila dikonsumsi dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. Tidak akan menimbulkan penyakit atau efek samping apapun bagi tubuh karena terbuat dari 100% tumbuhan herbal alami yang berkhasiat obat dan sama sekali tidak mengandung bahan tambahan apapun seperti zat pengawet, zat pewarna, zat kimia, dan lain sebagainya.

Cara Pembelian Obat

( Hubungi Kami > Transfer > Konfirmasi Alamat > Obat Dikirim )  
1. Silakan hubungi kami dengan kontak di bawah ini:

HP. 0856 4762 2711  - 0813 9087 4006


2. Kemudian silakan anda transfer harga + ongkos kirim ke rekening resmi CV. Denature Indonesia di bawah ini.
Rekening De Nature
  3. Setelah transfer, SANGAT PENTING untuk segera secepatnya konfirmasi ke kami dan kirimkan alamat lengkap untuk pengiriman obat ini agar segera dikirim dan cepat sampai ke alamat anda. Biaya Kirim:
  • Pulau Jawa: Rp.25.000
  • Luar Pulau Jawa Rp. 50.000
  • Madura dan Papua Rp. 100.000

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